Partnerships That Drive Success
Guests: Todd Arduser, Kevin Poppel
In this episode of Channel Chat, farmer Kevin Poppel talks about the relationships and advice that have helped him find success in farming.
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Guests: Todd Arduser, Kevin Poppel
In this episode of Channel Chat, farmer Kevin Poppel talks about the relationships and advice that have helped him find success in farming.
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Guests: Colby Woods, Jessica Grubbs
As technology in agriculture continues to evolve, Channel Seedsman Colby Woods wanted to get ahead of the pack and offer drone scouting to his farmers in Eastern Nebraska. We caught up with Colby in Wahoo, Nebraska, along with Sentera Sales and Training Specialist Jessica Grubbs. Listen in this episode of Channel Chat.
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Guests: Brady Bishop, Whitney Monin, Chad Grote, Dave Peters
Early July 2019 in Campbellsburg, Indiana, is sunny and hot. There’s corn standing sky-high in some places, and in others, farmers are finishing up a replant. Everyone agrees: It’s been a tough year.
Dave Peters and his family used to be dairy farmers. Now, Channel Seedsman Brady Bishop and Technical Agronomist Whitney Monin work with crop consultant Chad Grote to help Dave’s grain operation. Each person provides Dave input from a different area of expertise, but they all share the same goal: help Dave have his best season yet. And as Dave can attest to, it’s never too late to have your best season.
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Guest: Matt Bennett
The USDA has kicked off 2020 with the release of its Crop Production Annual Summary on Friday, Jan. 10. The yearly report contains U.S. crop production data for the 2019 season. Listen as grain marketing expert Matt Bennett goes through the report’s numbers and potential implications in this bonus episode of Channel Chat.
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Guest: Matt Bennett
The USDA has released the Supply and Demand Report for October 2019. Tune in as Matt Bennett weighs in on the report.
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Guest: Matt Bennett
Grain marketing expert Matt Bennett weighs in on the results of the Quarterly Grain Stocks Report released today by the USDA.
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Guest: Matt Bennett
USDA Crop Production/WASDE reports have been released, and grain marketing expert Matt Bennett weighs in on the results. Tune in to find out how markets and farmers reacted to the August reports.
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Guests: Matt Jones, Morgan Jones, Megan Wollgast
Channel Seedsman Matt Jones’ love of agriculture is being passed down to his daughter, Morgan. Hear how she’s taking her agronomy knowledge to the field this summer in this episode of Channel Chat.
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Guests: Kevin Peterson, Seth Smoot, Andrew Hughes
The partnership between Channel® Seed and The Climate Corporation gives farmers access to more experts, more technology and more knowledge, setting them up with a higher chance for success.
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Guests: Andrew Phillips, Mark Schleisman
Channel Seedsman Andrew Phillips and Farmer Mark Schleisman talk about influencers and innovation in agriculture.
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Guest: Matt Bennett
The much anticipated USDA Annual Acreage Report has been released, and grain marketing expert Matt Bennett weighs in on the results.
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Guests: Jason Greenwell, Kirk Greenwell, Drew Greenwell, Whitney Monin
The Greenwells represent Channel Seed well in Morganfield, KY. In this episode of Channel Chat, hear how Channel and the Greenwells’ father-son dynamic bring success to their family farm.
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Guest: Matt Bennett
The much-anticipated USDA Crop Production Report is out and grain marketing expert Matt Bennett is weighing in on the results in this episode of Channel Chat. Tune in to find out what the February 2019 report means for farmers.
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Guest: Dave Wallner
Lifelong farmer and Illinois Seedsman Dave Wallner stops by to talk about how using data and technology like the Climate FieldView platform can help farmers make more informed decisions as they prepare for harvest.
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Guests: Dave Klamforth, Tammy Ott, Tony Weis
In this episode of Channel Chat, we hear from three Channel agronomists representing Minnesota, Nebraska and Ohio. Join in to hear them discuss the unique challenges their areas are facing this harvest and learn about their recommendations for farmers facing similar conditions. We’ll also look ahead to the next growing season and discuss what farmers can be doing today to prepare for next year.
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Guest: Matt Bennett
Grain marketing expert Matt Bennett joins Channel Chat this week to discuss the USDA September Crop Production Report. Tune in to get a timely analysis as we head into the 2018 harvest season.
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Guest: Matt Bennett
Grain marketing expert Matt Bennett talks strategy for navigating the recent increase in tariffs on U.S. soybean exports. Hear from Matt as he explains the current state of trade tariffs and his recommendations for remaining profitable.
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