Farmer Kevin Poppel has loved farming as long as he can remember. So, when he got the opportunity to take over his uncle’s farm and build a business of his own he jumped on the opportunity. In this episode of Channel Chat, Kevin talks about the relationships and advice that have helped him find success in farming.
Podcast Host: Amity Shedd
Channel Chat Season 2 Host Amity Shedd hails from Southeast Missouri, where she attended Southeast Missouri State University and began her career as a business reporter for the Southeast Missourian newspaper. She reported on a variety of topics including local business, city government, and environmental topics such as farming and deer hunting. Amity co-hosted the podcast “Cornflakes” with KMOX reporter Kevin Killeen during her five years as a web editor for Newsradio 1120 KMOX. Amity currently lives in St. Louis with her husband, Nick, and newborn son, Maxwell, where she is a content producer for HLK digital agency.
Flying Above the Competition
We caught up with Channel Seedsman Colby Woods in Wahoo, Nebraska, along with Sentera Sales and Training Specialist Jessica Grubbs. For the last few months, Colby has been working with Jessica to learn how to fly a drone and use Sentera software to scout his Channel farmers’ fields. The two discuss drones today and what the future could hold for the flying machines in this episode of Channel Chat.
It’s Never Too Late for Your Best Season
Dave Peters and his family used to be dairy farmers. Now, Channel Seedsman Brady Bishop and Technical Agronomist Whitney Monin work with crop consultant Chad Grote to help Dave’s grain operation. Each person provides Dave input from a different area of expertise, but they all share the same goal: help Dave have his best season yet.
Crop Production Annual Summary Featuring Matt Bennett
The USDA has kicked off 2020 with the release of its Crop Production Annual Summary on Friday, Jan. 10. The yearly report contains U.S. crop production data for the 2019 season. Listen as grain marketing expert Matt Bennett goes through the report’s numbers and potential implications in this bonus episode of Channel Chat.
USDA Supply and Demand Report
The USDA has released the Supply and Demand Report for October 2019, which was highly anticipated after the release of a bullish Quarterly Grain Stocks Report at the end of September. Tune in as grain marketing expert Matt Bennett weighs in on the report’s numbers and farmers’ reactions in this bonus episode of Channel Chat.
Quarterly Grain Stocks Report
The Quarterly Grain Stocks Report for September 2019 has been released by the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Grain marketing expert Matt Bennett weighs in on the results, which reveal how much corn and soybeans were left at the end of the marketing year in August. Tune in to find out how markets and farmers reacted to the friendly report in this bonus episode of Channel Chat.
USDA Supply and Demand Report
How have constant weather challenges, delayed planting and prevent plant affected corn and soybean production numbers across the nation? USDA Crop Production/WASDE reports have been released, and grain marketing expert Matt Bennett weighs in on the results. Tune in to find out how markets and farmers reacted to the August reports and how the numbers could impact the rest of their season in this bonus episode of Channel Chat.
FFA Sparks Agronomy Internship
Channel Seedsman Matt Jones’ love of agriculture is being passed down to his daughter, Morgan, as she shares her excitement about interning with a Channel Seedsman this summer. Morgan’s friend, Megan Wollgast, had the same opportunity last summer when she interned for Matt. The two FFA students attend Elsberry High School in Missouri and are passionate about everything agriculture. Hear all about it in this episode of Channel Chat!
The Channel-Climate Corporation Partnership
The partnership between Channel® Seed and The Climate Corporation gives farmers access to more experts, more technology and more knowledge, setting them up with a higher chance for success. In this episode, we learn how that dynamic comes into play in the case of Indiana farmer Andrew Hughes. Hear how Channel Seedsman Kevin Peterson and The Climate Corporation’s Seth Smoot have Andrew’s back when it comes to what’s best for his farm.
Farming Influencers and the Future of Agriculture
Channel Seedsman Andrew Phillips knew exactly who he wanted to have as a guest in this episode of Channel Chat. Mark Schleisman managed the popcorn division of Conagra Brands for over two decades before returning home to Iowa to take over his family’s farm about 10 years ago. Andrew calls Mark an “influencer” in his farming community for many reasons, one being his forward thinking about the future of ag. The two share a friendship, business relationship and high respect for one another in their respective fields. Learn how that relationship works for the benefit of Iowa farmers in this episode of Channel Chat.
USDA Annual June Acreage Report
The much anticipated USDA Annual Acreage Report has been released, and grain marketing expert Matt Bennett weighs in on the results. Tune in to find out what the June 2019 report means for farmers and the rest of their season in this bonus episode of Channel Chat.
A (Channel) Family Affair: Father, Sons Boast NCGA Win
The Greenwells represent Channel Seed well in Morganfield, KY. The dad, Jason, is an NCGA state and national winner growing Channel seed. His sons, Kirk and Drew, own and operate the Channel Seed dealer for the area. In this episode of Channel Chat, hear how Channel and the Greenwells’ father-son dynamic bring success to their family farm.