Using Data To Inform Harvest Decisions ft. Dave Wallner

Lifelong farmer and Illinois Seedsman Dave Wallner stopped by to talk about how using data and technology can help farmers make more informed decisions as they prepare for harvest. Dave is participating in a pilot program for the Channel® Seed integration with the Climate FieldView™ platform, which helps Seedsmen and farmers use the data collected in their fields to make important decisions.

Strategies for Success in the 2018 Harvest Season

In this episode of Channel Chat, we hear from three Channel agronomists representing Minnesota, Nebraska and Ohio. Join in to hear them discuss the unique challenges their areas are facing this harvest and learn about their recommendations for farmers facing similar conditions. We’ll also look ahead to the next growing season and discuss what farmers can be doing today to prepare for next year.

USDA September Crop Production Report Analysis

Grain marketing expert Matt Bennett joins Channel Chat this week to discuss the USDA September Crop Production Report. Tune in to get a timely analysis as we head into the 2018 harvest season.

Navigating Soybean Trade Tariffs

Grain marketing expert Matt Bennett talks strategy for navigating the recent increase in tariffs on U.S. soybean exports. Hear from Matt as he explains the current state of trade tariffs and his recommendations for remaining profitable.

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